App Volumes 2406 and Unified Access Gateway 2406

All of VMware’s EUC products were continuously updated (in recent years almost always every 3 months) to add new features, fix bugs and mitigate security vulnerabilities.

The move to Broadcom and the subsequent sell of EUC products in Omnissa has brought a few months of stabilization… but I’m happy to announce that versions 2406 of the App Volumes and Unified Access Gateway products are out.

What do we find new?

A logo with text on it

Description automatically generated

App Volumes

Persistent Desktop Support

Expanded Use Cases: New support for classic Windows desktop environments, a significant enhancement to our Apps Everywhere strategy. This new feature extends our efficient one-to-many provisioning model, previously available only for non-persistent desktops, to persistent virtual desktop environments.

And more…

Replicate Application Packages in Specific Stages

We are excited to introduce the Replicate Application Packages in Specific Stages feature, designed to enhance the life cycle management of applications across multiple instances of App Volumes Manager

And more…

Select a specific Package Version when Launching an App (Technology Preview)

Writable Volumes Performance Improvements

Here the Release Notes

A logo of a cloud security system

Description automatically generated

Unified Access Gateway

Added support for Horizon Connection Server’s Home Site Redirection feature (associated with Cloud Pod Architecture)

Added support for Basic and NTLM authentications in outbound proxy configuration.

Added support in PowerShell script to enable/disable monitoring of unrecognized sessions using the new field unrecognizedSessionsMonitoringEnabled.

And more..

Here the Release Notes 


The 2406 version of the Connection Server ……..stay tuned!

App Volumes 2406 and Unified Access Gateway 2406

VMware Horizon 2312

As usual, every 3 months VMware releases a new version of Horizon (and also of almost all EUC applications)
The following have been available for a few days:
Horizon 8 2312
App Volumes 4 2312
Dynamic Environment Manager 2312
ThinApp 2312

Among the various features released for Horizon 8, the most interesting one is Agent Auto Upgrade:

“The agent auto upgrade feature allows customers to automatically initiate upgrades without manual intervention. To utilize this feature, on-premises systems must have access to CDS servers. Customers without CDS access can establish their webserver, host the agent components, and then register the agent build with the connection server to upgrade agents in VDI/RDSH desktops. This feature requires Horizon Plus or Horizon Universal License, and is available for Full Clone Desktops and RDSH Servers only. To upgrade Horizon Agent in Instant Clone Desktop Pools or RDS Farms, upgrade Horizon Agent on the Golden Image and schedule maintenance to push the new image.”

VMware Horizon 2312

How to test communication between UAG and CS

Many times I found myself having to demonstrate that the communication between the Unified Access Gateway and the Connection Servers was not working due to problems with poorly configured firewall rules. A very useful test is to connect to the UAG console and launch the classic CURL command:

curl -v -k https://<FQDN or IP ADDRESS CS>:443/

the outcome of which is as follows if the connection is ok (HTML output)

or the following if the connection is not enabled on the firewall

More info and tools here:

How to test communication between UAG and CS

421 Unknow

After upgrading Horizon to 2306 2212.1 or 2111.1 we see this message when trying to connect from UAG

In the log, I see this error:

2021-09-24T22:05:34.737-07:00 ERROR (1B08-1A58) <SimpleDeamonThread> [h] (ajp:admin:Request190) Unexpected Origin:

2021-09-24T22:05:34.738-07:00 DEBUG (1B08-1A58) <SimpleDeamonThread> [v] (ajp:admin:Request190) Response 404 Not Found [close]

The fast solution is to set allowUnexpectedHost to true on the file. This is located on each connection server in     c:\program files\vmware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf. and restart the horizon connection services

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) with Horizon 8 and loadbalanced HTML5 access. (85801) (

Error 421 while connecting to Horizon via HTML Web Console after an upgrade to 2306,2111.1 or Later (93915) (

421 Unknow

Upgrade Unified Access Gateway

VMware Horizon infrastructures often have the Unified Access Gateway (UAG) component to enable a secure connection from outside your corporate network to VDI.

This positioning makes the UAG subject to frequent updates, today we will see how to update it.

Download the ISO file of the version we want to update from the VMware Customer Site:

Unified Access Gateway 2203 for vSphere, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud (Non-FIPS) 
File size: 2.63 
File type: Ova 
Read More 
Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2203 for vSphere (FIPS) 
File size: 2.14 Ga 
File type: ova 
Read More 
Unified Access Gateway WAG) 2203 for Microsoft Azure 
File size: 2.54 GB 
File type: zip 
Read More 
Unified Access Gateway WAG) 2203 PowerShell Scripts 
File size: 79.4 KB 
File type: zip 
Read More 
MDS checksums. SHAI checksums and SdA256 checksums

Check compatibility with your Horizon infrastructure:

Product Interoperability Matrix (

Add to My Favorite List 
Hide Interoperability 
Compatible IV Incompatible 
Com*tible Put End of 
Put End of 
Not S upgnrted 
VMwere Horizon 
T 132 - VMwere Horizon 7 
713 1 - VMwere Horizon 7 
T 13 0 - VMwere Horizon 7 
Hide Legacy Releases O 
Past End ot General Support Past End at Technical Guidance 
VMware Unified Access Gateway 

Download the INI file containing the current UAG configuration

  • Access the Unified Access Gateway interface
    • HTTPS://<fqdnUAG>:9443

Using the credentials of the admin user

Unified Access Gateway 
dmin Username 
Admin Password 

Once logged in, download the .ini file

A picture containing chart

Description automatically generated

OCSP Settings 
Support Settings 
Support Settings 
Edge Service Session Statistics 
Log Archive 
Log Level Settings 
Export Unified Access Gateway Settings

Retrieving the information needed to complete the configuration file:

  • Certificate for public access and password
  • Certificate for the admin center and its password
  • SAML component XML if integration with AZURE MFA
  • Information on where to deploy (vCenter, Cluster, virtual network, datastore ) the Virtual Appliance of the new UAG

The data indicated will serve me to fill in the fields of the downloaded ini file

File Edit Format 
netmaskØ=255.255.255. or 
netManagement etwor 
• pØA110cationMode=STATICV4 
forceNetmaskØ=255.255.255. or 
forceNetmask1=255.255.255. or

I summarize the info required in this table

Sector Field Description
General netInternet PortGroup on which to certify the network card that communicates to the internet world *
General diskmode Thin or Thick
General Source Absolute path where the ISO resides
General Target Path of the vSphere infrastructure where we will deploy the virtual appliance
General Ds Datastore where the VM will be created
General netManagementNetwork Portgroup on which to certify the network adapter for UAG management *
General netBackendNetwork Portgroup on which to certify the network adapter for UAG management *
General Name Virtual Machine Name
General uagName Hostname of the UAG (normally to be left that of the UAG to be replaced)
SSLCert pfxCerts Property Path where the SSL Certificate generated by a public CA in password protected PFX format used to access VDI by Horizon Clients resides
SSLCertAdmin pfxCerts Property Path where the SSL Certificate generated by a CA (normally Microsoft and Private) used to secure and validate access to the UAG Management Interface resides
IDPExternalMetadata1 metadataXmlFile Property XML file of the Identity Provider (In this case Azure AD) to enable Azure MFA for access

*VMware recommends at least two network adapters in two different segments for production environments

  • One for internet traffic (I call it the EXT-DMZ)
  • One for traffic to the internal LAN (I call it the INT-DMZ)

It is possible to create environments with 1 or 3 network adapters, in the first case VMware recommends only one card only for test environments, and in the second to also differentiate the management traffic that otherwise, in the two-card configuration would pass through the card that communicates with the internal LAN.

File Edit Format View Help 
net Internet—DPG - EXT•4Zjjj) 
source—E : - unified - access - gateway- 22.03. 1955Ø 91_OVFI Ø. Ova 
target—vi : / /vcaØ7 
netmaskØ=255.255.255. and 
net8ackendNetwork=DPG - INT - C*IZ 
forceNetmaskØ=255.255.255. and 
forceNetmask1-255.255.255. and 
net-maski=255,255,255. and 
authenticationT imeout—3ØØØØe 
sys L ogType=UDP 

At this point we can proceed with the deployment of the virtual appliance:

  • The first step is Shutdown the old UAG Virtual Appliance (I suppose do you have at least two UAGs with a Load Balancer in front and at least a DNS round-robin for balancing the traffic to the Connection server)

.\uagdeploy.ps1 -iniFile UAG_Settings_VIUAG04.ini

Administrator: Windows PowerShell 
uag ep oy2203> 
uag ep oy. PSI

Allow CEIP

Insert password for PFX Certificate File

Insert a new (or reuse the old) password for the Root account (for access to UAG OS) and Admin account (for access to UAG WEB admin console)

Waiting to complete the UAG Deploy (You can check the process from the vCenter task)

Now the new UAG virtual appliance is up and running!! Test it and apply the same step for all UAG virtual appliances of your VMware Horizon Infrastructure.

Upgrade Unified Access Gateway

Exploit Log4j mitigate on VMware Unified Access Gateway

## UPDATE 20/12/2021 ##

On December 14, 2021 the Apache Software Foundation notified the community that their initial guidance for CVE-2021-44228 workarounds was not sufficient. We believed the previous instructions in this article to be an effective mitigation for CVE-2021-44228, but in the best interest of our customers, we must assume the earlier workaround may not adequately address all attack vectors. 

We need to run a script:


# Log contents to file by prefixing timestamp. Maximum file size is 50MB
function log_to_console() {
    echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T')" "$HOSTNAME" "$@"

log_to_console "Running script to remove JndiLookup.class from jars in Unified Access Gateway"

log_to_console "UAG Version: " $(tail -1 /opt/vmware/gateway/logs/ 2>/dev/null)

mkdir /tmp/test
mkdir /tmp/bkp

log_to_console "Unpacking archive and removing JndiLookup.class"
cp /opt/vmware/gateway/lib/ab-frontend-0.2.jar /tmp/bkp

unzip -q -o /opt/vmware/gateway/lib/ab-frontend-0.2.jar -d /tmp/test

unzip -q -o /tmp/test/hc.war -d /tmp/test/hc

zip -dq /tmp/test/hc/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

rm /tmp/test/hc.war
cd /tmp/test/hc

zip -r -q ../hc.war .

cd ..
rm -rf hc

log_to_console "Repackaging archive"

zip -r -q ab-frontend-0.2.jar .

chown gateway:users ab-frontend-0.2.jar
mv ab-frontend-0.2.jar /opt/vmware/gateway/lib

log_to_console "Replaced updated ab-frontend-0.2.jar, now looking for jndi in other places"

find / -type f \( -name "*.jar" -o -name *.war \) -exec sh -c "zipinfo -1 {} 2>/dev/null | grep 'JndiLookup.class' && echo {}" \; | grep .jar | while read -r line ; do
    log_to_console "Updating $jar_path"
    zip -dq $jar_path org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class
    chown gateway:users $jar_path

log_to_console "Restarting authbroker"
supervisorctl restart authbroker

log_to_console "Cleaning up."
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/test

log_to_console "Verification: We are good if no jars are listed below"
find / -type f \( -name "*.jar" -o -name *.war \) -exec sh -c "zipinfo -1 {} 2>/dev/null | grep 'JndiLookup.class' && echo {}" \;

log_to_console "Verification: Grep authbroker-std-out.log for log4j errors, we are good if no exception is displayed below"
cat /opt/vmware/gateway/logs/authbroker-std-out.log | grep log4j

log_to_console "Done!"

Well we need to connect to UAG and create a file


copy into the file the code, and enable it for execution

chmod +x

running the script


now if the UAG version is between 2009 and 2111 it is also necessary to set the -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true option on the authbroker service with the following commands. Note the space between “s/java /java”  and a space after “true /” in the command, these are important to ensure the command works correctly and doesn’t attempt to modify the wrong lines in the configuration file.

sed -i ‘s/java /java -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true /’ /opt/vmware/gateway/supervisor/conf/authbroker.ini

and restart the supervisorctl

supervisorctl update

more info in this VMware KB

Mitigation instructions to address CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046 in VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG) (87092)


In the middle of December month, we found a “little exploit”……

Ok it is not a joke, for mitigate on UAG (Unified Access Gateway that is a Security Server exposed on the Internet for remote access at Horizon infrastructure) it is necessary (To apply the workaround for CVE-2021-44228 to Unified Access Gateway version 2009 through to 2111):

  • Connect to UAG server with SSH Session

Check if SSH is enabled on UAG server to accept root connection.

Connect from WEB console or VMware Remote Console to UAG virtual appliance and modify in /etc/ssh/sshd_config the following line (for modify use vi commands):

PermitRootLogin no


PermitRootLogin yes

Save the file

Restart SSHD service with this command:

service sshd restart


  • Append the fix -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true

Type this command:

sed -i ‘s/java /java -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true /’ /opt/vmware/gateway/supervisor/conf/authbroker.ini

Reload the service

supervisorctl update

Check if the fix is applied with this command:

ps -ef | grep ab-frontend

the output of the command should need:

root@viuag03 [ ~ ]# ps -ef | grep ab-frontend
gateway 2799 849 99 09:51 ? 00:00:12 /usr/lib/jvm/zre-8/bin/java -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Dport=8877 -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/vmware/gateway/conf/ -jar /opt/vmware/gateway/lib/ab-frontend-0.2.jar
root 2817 2622 0 09:51 pts/0 00:00:00 grep –color=auto ab-frontend

Ref: Workaround instructions to address CVE-2021-44228 in VMware Unified Access Gateway (87092)

Exploit Log4j mitigate on VMware Unified Access Gateway

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 5

Import XML on Horizon Connection Servers and configure it

Now we import the XML content in to all Horizon Connection Server, for all server on

Select Edit and after authentication

Select in delegation of authentication ….. the value ALLOWED open

and a new authenticator


Name type Azure

And copy the content of XML file  on the SAML Metadata

Enable truesso for Horizon Authentication method

On a Connection server enable the TRUESSO for a Authentication Method

vdmUtil –authAs admin-role-user –authDomain domain-name –authPassword admin-user-password –truesso –authenticator –edit –name authenticator-fqdn –truessoMode {ENABLED|ALWAYS}

vdmUtil –authAs administrator –authDomain pollaio –authPassword 121212121 –truesso –authenticator –edit –name azure  –truessoMode ENABLED

And now the configuration is done.

Thank You

Fabio Storni


Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with VMware Horizon – Unified Access Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Setting Up True SSO (

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 5

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 4

Configure a enterprise application on Azure AD, configure it and export XML


 Identifier  -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal

Reply URL -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal/samlsso

Sign on URL -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal/samlsso

Download the  XML

Assign Users or Groups permission to Enterprise application

Import XML on UAG and configure it

Import Identity Provider Metadata, select the file XML downloaded from the Enterprise Application data

Select the identity provider

 Select More Option

And select SAML e the correct Identity provider (with SAML+PASSTROUGHT the identity token  will not passed to horizon Server and it will required a new autentication)

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 4