Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 5

Import XML on Horizon Connection Servers and configure it

Now we import the XML content in to all Horizon Connection Server, for all server on

Select Edit and after authentication

Select in delegation of authentication ….. the value ALLOWED open

and a new authenticator


Name type Azure

And copy the content of XML file  on the SAML Metadata

Enable truesso for Horizon Authentication method

On a Connection server enable the TRUESSO for a Authentication Method

vdmUtil –authAs admin-role-user –authDomain domain-name –authPassword admin-user-password –truesso –authenticator –edit –name authenticator-fqdn –truessoMode {ENABLED|ALWAYS}

vdmUtil –authAs administrator –authDomain pollaio –authPassword 121212121 –truesso –authenticator –edit –name azure  –truessoMode ENABLED

And now the configuration is done.

Thank You

Fabio Storni


Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with VMware Horizon – Unified Access Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Setting Up True SSO (

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 5

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 4

Configure a enterprise application on Azure AD, configure it and export XML


 Identifier  -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal

Reply URL -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal/samlsso

Sign on URL -> https://<public-FQDN-UAG>/portal/samlsso

Download the  XML

Assign Users or Groups permission to Enterprise application

Import XML on UAG and configure it

Import Identity Provider Metadata, select the file XML downloaded from the Enterprise Application data

Select the identity provider

 Select More Option

And select SAML e the correct Identity provider (with SAML+PASSTROUGHT the identity token  will not passed to horizon Server and it will required a new autentication)

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 4

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 3

Export Horizon Enrollment Certificate from Horizon installation and install it in to Enrollment Horizon Server

Connect to Horizon Server and export the Horizon View Certificate  (The certificate with friendly name)

Now we import the enrollment certificate in to Horizon Enrollment server,  we need import in to Certificate Computer store and add the friwndly name

Configure TrueSSO on Horizon Connection Server

Configure Enrollement server

vdmUtil –authAs admin-role-user –authDomain domain-name –authPassword admin-user-password –truesso –environment –add –enrollmentServer enroll-server-fqdn

vdmUtil –authAs administrator –authDomain pollaio –authPassword qwerty1234567890! –truesso –environment –add –enrollmentServer Enroll.pollaio.lan

Verifica le informazioni

vdmUtil –authAs admin-role-user –authDomain domain-name –authPassword admin-user-password –truesso –environment –list –enrollmentServer enroll-server-fqdn –domain domain-fqdn

vdmUtil –authAs administrator –authDomain pollaio –authPassword qwerty1234567890! –truesso –environment –list –enrollmentServer Enroll.pollaio.lan –domain pollaio.lan

Creare la connessione per il true sso

vdmUtil –authAs admin-role-user –authDomain domain-name –authPassword admin-user-password –truesso –create –connector –domain domain-fqdn –template TrueSSO-template-name –primaryEnrollmentServer enroll-server-fqdn –certificateServer ca-common-name –mode enabled

vdmUtil –authAs administrator –authDomain pollaio –authPassword qwerty1234567890! –truesso –create –connector –domain pollaio.lan –template TRUESSOHORIZON  –primaryEnrollmentServer enroll.pollaio.lan –certificateServer pollaio-NPSSRV-CA  –mode enabled

Verify from the Horizon Connection server dashboard thee TrueSSO status, if it is all green the trueSSO is Ready

Azure MFA, UAG, Horizon and TRUE SSO – Step 3