Command for Storage EqualLogic Dell

Visualizzare il lead di un gruppo di storage

SANPROD> su exec hostname
You are running a support command, which is normally restricted to PS Series Tec
hnical Support personnel. Do not use a support command without instruction from
Technical Support.

SANPROD> su exec pm member
You are running a support command, which is normally restricted to PS Series Tec
hnical Support personnel. Do not use a support command without instruction from
Technical Support.
 SAN05           [1.293392196] 8-cb2b76-00041b068-3ff001929de00000  pssId(1) Hazelburn(14)
         total space :  160415 pages   2349.83GB RAID-50
         free space  :   20604 pages    301.82GB (13%)
         snap space  :       0 pages      0.00MB (0%)
         repl space  :       0 pages      0.00MB (0%)
         vol space   :  139811 pages   2048.01GB (87%)
      status:  (Online GL )
 SAN04           [1.716095382] 0-1cb196-0003e8643-48d000b42c000000  pssId(2) Hazelburn(14)
         total space : 3563666 pages   52202.14GB RAID-6
         free space  :  383801 pages   5622.08GB (11%)
         snap space  :       0 pages      0.00MB (0%)
         repl space  :       0 pages      0.00MB (0%)
         vol space   : 3179865 pages   46580.05GB (89%)
      status:  (Online )

Backup delle configurazioni di tutti i membri di un gruppo 

SANPROD> save-config
Genera un file nominato config.cli con le impostazioni dei membri del gruppo nella root dello storage
Per recuperarlo bisogna utilizzare il protocollo FTP.
Configuration saved to config.cli.
You can retrive the file using ftp or scp 
Command for Storage EqualLogic Dell