For stop start or restart :
Usage: /etc/init.d/raid_agent {start|stop|restart}
Go to your ESX console and edit this file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
and change only the second line
Il servizio che permette la connessione con il virtual center e ‘
quindi una delle prove da fare se un host vmware non si collega con il virtual center
e’ quella di riavviare il servizio :
service vmware-vpxa restart
Change or delate user from smitty or with mkuser over AIX 5.3 :
3004-698 Error committing changes to test: value is invalid
The problem is :
There was a missing/invalid entry in the /etc/passwd file
/usr/bin/rsh backup10 -v dir
Unable to execute the command
you need to login as “root” on the Windows box, run rshpswd
and type in root’s current, valid password.
For determine the paging space :
lsps -a
For incrase :
chps -s 3 hd6
For reduce:
chps -d 3 hd6
3 is the logical partitions
When start smitty from console AIX server :
The environment variable TERM is currently set to a terminal type that does
not support the full screen display capabilities required for SMIT.
Set TERM to an appropriate terminal type or use another terminal.
I need :
export TERM=vt100