Check HW VMware Compatibility Matrix

I need to check the Compatibility Matrix for the network IO device of ESXi HOST

Connect to ESXi with SSH and start this command

vmkchdev -l | grep vmnic

and the value are:

If you want check storage IO device change vmnic to vmhba

Determining Network/Storage firmware and driver version in ESXi (1027206) (

Check HW VMware Compatibility Matrix

VMware Horizon and Adobe Flash

I found myself in the need to carry out some checks on a horizon infrastructure that I could not access the administration console due to the now-famous problems of Adobe FLASH So I found it convenient to use the powercli, I report some scripts used. Running the scripts requires installing the necessary components which I have already discussed in a previous post of mine.

Script to show last user login to VMware Horizon in the last month

$connectionServer=Connect-HVServer -Server $hvserver -User $hvuser -Password $hvPassword -Domain $hvDomain


$eventdb=Connect-HVEvent -DbPassword $eventDbPassword

$events=Get-HVEvent -HvDbServer $eventdb -TimePeriod month -SeverityFilter AUDIT_SUCCESS

 $ | Export-Csv C:\temp\VCSMonthLogin.csv

Script to display Horizon Session

Connect-HvServer -server $hvserver -User $hvuser -Password $hvPassword -Domain $hvDomain

$query = New-Object “Vmware.Hv.QueryDefinition”

$query.queryEntityType = ‘SessionLocalSummaryView’

$qSrv = New-Object “Vmware.Hv.QueryServiceService”

$qSRv.QueryService_Query($global:DefaultHVServers[0].ExtensionData,$query) |

Select -ExpandProperty Results |

Select -ExpandProperty NamesData |

Select-Object -Property UserName,DesktopType,DesktopName,MachineOrRDSServerDNS

Script to show user and assigned Computer

Connect-HvServer -server $hvserver -User $hvuser -Password $hvPassword -Domain $hvDomain

$AllVDIInfo = get-hvmachinesummary -PoolName $PoolName

$AllVDIInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize

a special thanks :

Horizon View API – The SLOG – SimonLong/Blog

VMware Horizon and Adobe Flash

VMware Horizon 2106

VMware a few days ago released a new Horizon Version.
The new build 2106 (8.3) brings with it some very interesting features from some relating to the security of intellectual property to those related to the Teams collaboration tool, here is a list of those that I consider the most interesting:

  • Implementation of GPO for blocking the ability to take screenshots of VDI sessions from Windows and MAC Clients
  • Possibility in the instant clone to use the Microsoft Sysprep (this function slows down the deployment of an IC by performing a series of reboots)
  • Functionality for applications of run indefinitely
  • Possibility to use TrueSSO SAML authentication for non-Trust domains
  • Horizon Agent has support for Windows Server 2022 (Currently in Preview)
  • The Horizon Client for Linux has the optimization for Teams (as in some versions the functionality for the Windows client was present)
  • Cloud Burst support to extend your on-prem workload to the Cloud in case of a high load.

More details in this video

VMware Horizon 8 (2106) What’s New – YouTube

VMware Horizon 2106