After upgrading Horizon to 2306 2212.1 or 2111.1 we see this message when trying to connect from UAG
In the log, I see this error:
2021-09-24T22:05:34.737-07:00 ERROR (1B08-1A58) <SimpleDeamonThread> [h] (ajp:admin:Request190) Unexpected Origin:
2021-09-24T22:05:34.738-07:00 DEBUG (1B08-1A58) <SimpleDeamonThread> [v] (ajp:admin:Request190) Response 404 Not Found [close]
The fast solution is to set allowUnexpectedHost to true on the file. This is located on each connection server in c:\program files\vmware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf. and restart the horizon connection services