Check TCP port 443

During the maintenance and updating of the Horizon Connection server components, one aspect is the necessary wait for the connection servers to correctly resume responding on TCP port 443.
During one of the many activities on Horizon my customer created a simple and effective door test script.
Even though it is very simple and intuitive, I want to share the code with you:

do {
    $check = netstat -ano | findstr
    "Waiting 5 seconds and retry" 
    sleep 5
} while (!$check)

Check TCP port 443

Copy file to VMware Datastore using Powercli

#Mi collego all’Host ESXi dove devo copiare la ISO
Connect-ViServer <hostname>
#Visualizzo l’elenco dei datastore
#Seleziono il datastore che mi interessa
$datastore = Get-Datastore “<nome del datastore>”
#Eseguo il mount del PSDrive sotto ds:
New-PSDrive -Location $datastore -Name ds -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root “”
#Lancio la copia
Copy-DatastoreItem -Item c:……Windows2016.iso -Destinatiom ds:ISO

Copy file to VMware Datastore using Powercli

Modifica delle Firewall Rule su Azure SQL Server

“The PowerShell Azure Resource Manager module is still supported by Azure SQL Database, but all development is now for the Az.Sql module”

Per cui la prima cosa da fare รจ iniziare ad abbandonare Powershell Azure Resource Manager…. poi:

– Login al tenant dove sono allocati gli Azure SQL Server 

Login-AzAccount -Tenant <ID>

– Esportare le regole in CSV per poi creare i comandi in maniera rapida editando il file XLS 

Get-AzSqlServer | Get-AzSqlServerFirewallRule | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName,ServerName,StartIpAddress,EndIpAddress,FirewallRuleName | Export-Csv -Path C:tempAzureSQLServerFirewall.csv -NoTypeInformation

– Modificare le regole 

Rimuovere una regola 

Remove-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName <Name> -ServerName <Azure SQL Server> -FirewallRuleName <RuleName>

Aggiungere una regola 

New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName <Name> -ServerName <Azure SQL Server> -FirewallRuleName <Rule Name> -StartIpAddress <IP> -EndIpAddress <IP>

Modifica delle Firewall Rule su Azure SQL Server