Remove an instant clone desktop pool in a deleting state

If we are removing a desktop pool from a Horizon infrastructure and we find ourselves in a situation that remains in a deleting state:

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We can force the removal as follows:

  • Remove any VDI VMs still in your vSphere infrastructure.
  • Remove VM template, replication and parent.

In my example, we have the following situation

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To remove them we use the tool iccleanup.cmd, we find te command on the connection servers by launching the following command to access:

iccleanup.cmd -vc <ome of vcenter> -uid < admin user of vcenter>

We enter the account password

Run with the list command the list of service VMs to be deleted


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In my case, they are the VMs indicated with ID 2 and 3

We start from 2 and first launch the unprotect indicating with -I the number 2 (unprotect -I 2) and confirm by writing unprotect


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Then we delete with the question delete -I 2 and confirm by writing  delete

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Let’s go back by writing Back

Relaunch the List command and verify that Index has taken the other chain of system VMs to be deleted


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Ha was taken as index 2

We review the operations of unprotect and delete once again for index 2

At the end of the vCenter  (they are service VM from other pools that should not be deleted)


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Already in this case, we may have deleted the DesktopPool that was in a deleting state.

If the Pool in question is still present and in a deleting state, we proceed to access the ADSI Edit console and modify the ADAM DB by deleting the references left to the pool in deleting state (in my case ICTPM)

  • Remove Desktop Pool from ADAM Database

To connect follow this KB:

Connecting to the Horizon View Local ADAM Database (

remove the pool from Adam as follows.

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Remove an instant clone desktop pool in a deleting state