VMware Workstation Player and Port Forwarding

To configure a PortForwarding on Windows 10 to a VM hosted on VMware Player it is necessary to proceed as follows:

  • Configure a static IP address (not essential but recommended) use the DHCP reservation function present in the virtualization application
  • Configure port forwarding.

Configure DHCP Reservation

  • Retrieve the MAC Address assigned to the virtual machine to which you want a static IP
  • Modify (with Notepad running in Administrator mode) the vmnetdhcp.conf file present in C:\ProgramData\VMware by inserting the following lines:

Host <Name of virtual network> {

hardware ethernet <Mac Address in this format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;

fixed-address <ip address>*;



#Static IP WIN11 –> Comment to identify the VM

VMnet8 host {
Hardware Ethernet 00: 0C: 29: 41: E8: 0C;
fixed address;

Where in our case the VMnet8 is the one assigned by default to the “NAT” configuration of the VM network card

  • Restart the VMNETDHCP service
    net stop vmnetdhcp
    net start vmnetdhcp

Port Forwarding Configuration

  • Modify (with Notepad running in Administrator mode) the vmnetnat.conf file present in C:\ProgramData\VMware by inserting the following lines:
    <tcpPortSource> = <IPaddress VM>:<tcpPortDestination>

8889 =

In this case, we follow an RDP session to the OS system hosting my VM using: 8889 I will access through RDS to my VM with IP

*To check the IP range to always use the vmnetdhcp.conf file and identify the correct network segment; In the case of my example the segment is 8 (VMnet8)

# Virtual ethernet segment 8

# Added at 11/10/21 23:49:40

subnet netmask {

range;            # default allows up to 125 VM’s

option broadcast-address;

option domain-name-servers;

option domain-name “localdomain”;

option netbios-name-servers;

option routers;

default-lease-time 1800;

max-lease-time 7200;


VMware Workstation Player and Port Forwarding

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