Tivoli Remote Control Ctrl-ALT-Del may not work on Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008

From IBM support Site

Injecting CTL+ALT+DEL doesn’t work to allow getting to window for login or logoff.
This can occur on all versions of Windows7 and Vista_target.

Resolving the problem
There was fix for this in 5.1.0-TIV-TRC51-IF0003

However, if you are currently running IF3 and the Alt-Ctrl-Del still does not work please note the following Vista and Windows 7 configuration and User Account changes are necessary to ensure that Control Alt Delete works.

The two scenarios that ensure that the logon screen pops up are:

a) UAC on and Secure Attention Sequence set to Services
b) UAC off and Secure Attention Sequence set to Services

1) Start ‘Microsoft Management Console’: Start -> mmc.exe
2) Add ‘Group Policy Object Editor’ Snap-in: File -> Add/Remove
Snap-in… -> Group Policy Object Editor -> Add -> Finish -> OK
3) Expand ‘Local Computer Policy’
4) Expand ‘Computer Configuration’
5) Expand ‘Administrative Templates’
6) Expand ‘Windows Components’
7) Select ‘Windows Logon Options’
8) Double-click ‘Disable or enable software Secure Attention Sequence’
9) Select ‘Enabled’
10) Select ‘Services’
11) If ‘Ease of Access applications’ was already selected,
choose ‘Services and Ease of Access applications’.
12) Select ‘OK’

Tivoli Remote Control Ctrl-ALT-Del may not work on Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008

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