Script for removing and installing Horizon agent


  • Share containing the installation file of the Horizon agent version and a . bat containing the command to silently install the Horizon agent
  • List of VMs on which to perform the operation
  • A user to access vCenter with administrative rights
  • One user to install horizon agent on VMs

The script includes:

  • Credential request
    • First request the user to access the vCenter (line 6)
    • Second request the user to remove and install the Horizon Agent on the VMs (line 8)
  • Import the VM list (line 12)
  • Connecting to the vCenter (line 13)
  • Part a for each machine contained in the file with the list of VMs (line 14)
  • Check if the Horizon Agent is present (line 25)
  • If present, remove it and reboot (line 29), if not present, switch to the installation fa
  • Installing the Horizon agent (line 54)
    • Share mount
    • Running the .bat contained in the share
  • Waiting for the installation to finish and reboot

There are 3 “procedures” in the script

For  verification if the Horizon Agent is installed (line 18 to 20):

$script = @”

Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -filter “Name=’VMware Horizon Agent'” | Select Caption

” @

For the removal the Horizon  agent (line 22 to 24):

$removeapp= @”

wmic Product Where “Name=’VMware Horizon Agent'” Call Uninstall /NoInteractive

” @

For agent installation (Line 50 to 54):

$installapp = @”

New-PSDrive -Name “S” -Root “\\vimng03\share” -Persist -PSProvider “FileSystem”


” @

In this last agent installation procedure, you must modify:

  • S 🡪 letter with which the share will be temporarily mounted on the VM (which we can change but must also be modified in the installation file .Bat
  • \\vimng03\share –> put the share where you want the Horizon agent installation file and the installation file .bat
  • S:\agentinstallv8.bat is the file that will install the agent in silently mode

Where inside it is start:

s:\VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-8.0.0-16530789.exe /s /v”/qn ADDLOCAL=BlastUDP,Core,HelpDesk,RDP,RTAV,TSMMR,USB,VmVideo,VmwVaudio,VmwVdisplay,VmwVidd”

to be parameterized according  VMware’s guide.

in my case the file will look like this

#The script need:
#List the VMs name where remove e reinstall the agent (file c:\vdi.txt or where you want)
#Share where is the horizon agent installation file and the file agentinstallv8.bat that contain the silent command for installation
#When the script start ask the vCenter Credential and the Admin User Credential for install the Horizon Agent on the VM
#Credential for access to vCenter
$credential = Get-Credential
#Credential with administrator role for install horizon agent 
$VMCredential = Get-Credential
$vcenter = "<FQDNvCenter>"
#List of VMs where remove e install new agent version
$VDIs = Get-Content "c:\vdi.txt"
connect-viserver $vcenter -Credential $credential
foreach ($VDI in $VDIs){
$VM = Get-VM -Name $VDI
Write-Host "Start remove agent from $VM"
#Script for verify if the agent is installed
$script = @"
Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -filter "Name='VMware Horizon Agent'" | Select Caption 
#Script for remove
$removeapp= @"
wmic Product Where "Name='VMware Horizon Agent'" Call Uninstall /NoInteractive
$value = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VM -ScriptType Powershell -ScriptText $script -GuestCredential $VMCredential 
#Check if horizon agent are install if present the script remove it and reboot the VM
if ($value.ScriptOutput -like "*Horizon*") {
     Write-Host "Horizon agent is installed"
     Invoke-VMScript -VM $VM -ScriptType Powershell -ScriptText $removeapp -GuestCredential $VMCredential -RunAsync
     While(Test-Connection $VM -Quiet -Count 1){
        Write-Progress -Activity "Rebooting $VM" -Status "Waiting for $VM to shut down."
        Start-Sleep -sec 1
     While(!(Test-Connection $VM -Quiet -Count 1)){
        Write-Progress -Activity "Rebooting $VM" -Status "Waiting for $VM to come back up."
        Start-Sleep -sec 1
     if ($value.ScriptOutput -cnotlike "*Horizon*") {
     Write-Host "Agent removed from $VM and $VM rebooted"
   else { 
   Write-Host "Horizon agent is not installed on $VM" 

#####Agent Installation
Write-Host "Start the Horizon Agent installation in $VM"
Sleep 15 
#Installation with share change the fileserver,the share name, the labl and the file 
$installapp = @"
New-PSDrive -Name "S" -Root "\\vimng03\share" -Persist -PSProvider "FileSystem"
Invoke-VMScript -VM $VM -ScriptType powershell -ScriptText $installapp -GuestCredential $VMCredential -RunAsync
While(Test-Connection $VM -Quiet -Count 1){
        Write-Progress -Activity "Rebooting $VM" -Status "Waiting for $VM to shut down."
        Start-Sleep -sec 1
While(!(Test-Connection $VM -Quiet -Count 1)){
        Write-Progress -Activity "Rebooting $VM" -Status "Waiting for $VM to come back up."
        Start-Sleep -sec 1
Write-Host "$VM after installation is UP" 
$value = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VM -ScriptType Powershell -ScriptText $script -GuestCredential $VMCredential
if ($value.ScriptOutput -like "*Horizon*") {
    Write-Host "New Horizon agent is installed in $VM"
    Write-Host "New Horizon agent is not installed in $VM" 
Disconnect-VIServer $vcenter -Force
Script for removing and installing Horizon agent

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